
Saturday, 30 August 2014

182 Days of LC Action in Photos

This year, I want to challenge other learning commons teachers to post photos to this blog of things that are happening in their learning commons.

All you need to do is sign up for 1 week, or more than 1 throughout the year, and share an image a day to share what is happening in your space.

I'll be starting it off with two weeks of images to show what will happen in our learning commons at the beginning of the year.

Watch the space!

CBE Area III to the Whole YYC Area

We have decided to go big!

We have really enjoyed sharing what we have done in some of CBE's Area III learning commons and as a result, we have decided to go bigger and wider with our sharing. We know there are other passionate learning commons teachers who would love to share their story ~ We want to facilitate that!

If you are reading this and know of someone, or you are someone, who works in a YYC learning commons, we would love for you to share a story, or a few. Please leave a comment or contact me if you would like to do so.

We look forward to sharing more stories.

Steve Clark