
Friday, 15 March 2013

Voices on a Wall

This is a post that has also been posted on and also follows-up on this post QR - Quick-Response.html

I have been working with a couple of different classes to experiment with using QR codes to share ideas and work that we have created. 

Text to QR Code
The first class we played with QR codes to share 'secret messages'. As part of the heath curriculum, we want to talk about our qualities and inefficiencies, our dreams and our aspirations.

  1. First we used Microsoft Word and Apple Pages to type up some text.
  2. Next we copied the text and pasted it we copied the text.
  3. QRStuff generates a QR code and then we download.
  4. The QR code, in the form of an image, can then be pasted into another document and printed.
  5. These particular QR codes could either have the text embedded right in the code (which would mean the mobile device would not even require an Internet connection) or the user could choose to have the text uploaded to a QR Stuff Server (this would require Internet but also teacher discretion to ensure no personal data would be included). The only real difference would be in the visual appearance of the QR code itself.

Audio Recording to QR Code
After we learned and understood how QR codes worked and saw how visually appealing he wall display was. We thought it would be cool to make different kind of gallery on a bulletin board - We would attempt to put student voices on the wall. With parent interviews coming up, it would be a great way to showcase some great work produced by our students. This project would require writing and recording voice using 1 of 2 apps on the iPad.
  1. Students first needed to produce some writing. The teacher used some health related writing around 'bullying' and 'it's OK to be me'.
  2. Using an iPad, students recorded their voice using either GarageBand for iPad or Voice Recorder for iPad.
  3. We then co-created success criteria and a rubric for students to make quality recordings.
  4. Students published their audio recording and then shared it with the teacher.
  5. The teacher then uploaded the audio file to our web site server (CBE Project server) - the file would need to be accessible online by a URL.
  6. Once uploaded, the teacher generated the QR Code (with and saved back to a shared folder on the school server. 
  7. Finally Students created posters to share their work.

Below are a couple of examples of our Voice Gallery QR codes


  1. Super cool! I had no idea you could embed text in these codes... I want to get these going in our school... Can you upload video to the project server, too, and have it play directly in the mobile device?? Or does it have to be through Youtube?

    Anyway, thanks for sharing this!!

    1. Cheers Mike!

      Yeah, the embeded text is easy to do and pretty cool for a secret or surprise message. The video could be uploaded to the server, yes. To be accesible to most, I find that mov (Quicktime) files work best. YouTube is not needed and this makes our videos accessible through the filter.

      The audio recording app we used exported to the camera roll in MOV file format. Garageband exports to iTunes on the iPad in AAC format so I converted to Mp3 right in iTunes on my computer then uploaded to project server.

      Can't wait to to 'hear' about your voices on the wall! :)

  2. Nice work Steve! Now you are hearing voices in the walls... Oh oh!
